Well, I've been away for a few days. I guess I had better do a wrap up to get caught up. First of all, I'm typing on my kid's laptop instead of the big machine that I usually use. This is easier--I can sit in the comfy chair with it on my lap. But the problem is that the keyboard isn't as sensitive as my regular one so I tend to miss spaces or capital letter here and there. Forgive the errors if I don't catch them.
Thursday, like I said last time, I had to go up to the office--2 hours away. The gals up there seem to think that I'm difficult and can only eat at the one place in town that has tofu on the menu--a Chinese place. So we eat there every time I go up. It's good, don't get me wrong, I'd just like to do something different once in a while. (I'd love to go to the raw vegan cafe up there, but they say they won't eat there.) I did get a lot done--year end closing went smoothly this year.
Friday, had not much to note. I can't remember much of note to write about so I guess I'll leave it there.
Saturday--we did a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of shopping--over $200 worth. We were out of absolutely everything! And we hadn't had money to re-stock so, since I got paid, we stocked up. I hate shopping with my husband, but what was I to do? I didn't feel very good, either. I was dizzy, had a sore throat and a headache. I took a nap--it didn't help.
OK, now we are to today. We had to clean the house--yuck. My aunt cleans my house for me every other week, usually, but my uncle had surgery on his knee so she hasn't been doing it for a couple of times. My house really needed cleaning. I had daughter vacuum, son dust, hubby sweep and mop, and I did the bathroom. (Then I went around and touched up anything that I knew would drive me nuts later.) I paid each of the kids $3.
My uncle has surgery, like I said. I am making a pot of butternut squash soup to take over to them for supper tonight. Apparently, he had trouble with his blood sugars while he was in the hospital. My aunt said that since I was on my "Diet", I'd know what kind of stuff I could make that would be OK for him. OK--I'm not on a DIET. This is how I eat.
But speaking of that, I have been really bad lately. Hubby bought a big tub of brownies that I can't seem to keep my hands off of. (They have egg and even though I know I'm eating baby chicken embryos--or at the very least blighted chicken ovum from cruelly abused hens--I can't seem to keep my hands off of them. GROSS) I got on my hubby earlier today saying that none of us in this house need that sh*# and that if he feels he absolutely has to have some, he needs to get one serving's worth so they will be gone. He replied that he thought they were disappearing OK. I replied with telling him that was the point--his fat A*# wife was eating them and that I didn't need them or want them.
I feel like he sabotages me. He wants me to be fat and miserable so I'll be in the same sorry state as he is. He doesn't seem to care that our daughter is heading for the same fat, sorry state as well. I really think that I need to make an appointment with a nutritionist and talk to her about daughter. I grew up fat and miserable. I don't want the same for her.
Oh, one thing from Friday that I just remembered. I had lunch with the gals that I used to work with at the hospital. One of them is the one that recommended the book that led to me going vegan. Anyway, one of the other gals asked if we were still on our "diet". We both said, it's not so much a diet as just how we are now. And she started talking about how her and her new hubby started doing soy and cutting out all dairy because she's allergic. So anyway, she said that now she's just like us except that they eat meat. News Flash! That's not anything like us. We don't kill animals.
Sorry. Little rant there. I guess I've been doing that a lot this post. I guess I had better give it up and do some more tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood. My throat still hurts a bit so maybe I'm still off due to a bug. And, more likely, I'm off because of all the crap brownies I've been eating. I'll try to shape up here.
Ciao for now.
(Just did a spell-check; I sure used "OK" a lot in this post. Sorry if that bugs anyone. I say that because hubby says "you know" about 25 time per minute and it drives me bats. I don't want to be the cause of anybody else's bats being on loose.)
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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