Puppy had a play date this morning. Well, not really. I have a friend who has a grooming shop so I took Little Girl in this morning to get her sharp puppy claws trimmed. After that ordeal (she cried like we were killing her at one point), I let her down to play with my friend's business partner's dog (did that make sense?). Anyway, this other dog is like half her size and just as much energy. She had a ball and it was so fun to watch. She may even want to get her toenails trimmed just so she can go play.
So yesterday continued to be bit of a sucky day. I felt bad and just worthless. I had oatmeal and coffee for breakfast, sauteed veggies and a pb-agave-banana sandwich for lunch, a wedge of purple cabbage for snack, a huge salad with homemade vinaigrette and tofu scramble for dinner, and an apple before bed. I also exercised a little bit.
Last night, hubby was helping with dinner. I turned to put my dressing on my salad and he hadn't dished me one up--he had three bowls out, one for son, one for daughter, and one for him. He completely forgot about me. How's that for a loved one making you feel invisible?
I still feel a little down today, but visiting with my friend helped. I had a Almond Butter and jelly sandwich and coffee for breakfast; and salad and tofu scramble for lunch. I'll try to get a bit more exercise in today, as well.
I also got on the scale today. I wanted to lose a pound this last week, right? Well, I gained one instead. Between the binge on Monday and the extra snacking over the weekend, I gained. I am resolved to get those 3 pounds back off--I know three pounds is not the end of the world, but I am NOT going to have worked so hard to lose all that weight only to gain it back; and 3 pounds is the start of that road.
So yesterday I mentioned that I was uptight about son going camping. I talked to the scoutmaster's wife--she said that if it weren't for her hubby going, she probably wouldn't let her son go. She's a worry wart like me. But she said that she knows how her hubby is with all of the kids and knows he'll watch over them really closely. They will have suburbans up there so they can get in and get warm if needed and they will have hand/foot warmers and heaters, too. I know I have to let him go sometime. I'm just afraid that if I let go, something will happen and I won't have him or he'll be hurt.
Son accused me of trying to scare him out of not wanting to go. I told him that I was just a worry wart and I wasn't going to smile and pretend I was fine with it when I wasn't. I told him that if he didn't want me fussing, he should quit talking about it. I also told him that I would be fine Saturday afternoon when he walked through our door.
UPS came and brought daughter's B-day present today! An American Girl doll! I unpacked the box to check the contents and wanted to play with her. Alas, I can't. I put it back in the box and put it away. I can't wait to play with it after she opens, it though ;-)
Well, I guess I ought to go and at least pretend to do something constructive. (Yeah, that's the kind of day it is--better than yesterday, though.)
Ciao for now.
1 comment:
What beautiful, beautiful eyes!
I don't think I've ever seen a green-eyed dog before!
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