It's 19 degrees and snowing outside right now! Above is a picture out my front door. Today is also the kids first day back after the Christmas holidays. A few schools nearby were closed due to weather (they are in more rural areas than ours); I think I might have had to scream if our schools were closed. I love my babies, but two weeks with them home is enough.
I'm wondering what I'm going to do this summer when school is out. Last summer they figured out how to entertain themselves so I could work--I guess they will figure it out again. They were probably annoying this break because of the excitement of the holidays.
Son asked this morning if we could go to the Y after piano lessons tonight. I love that they want to go exercise! I told him we could.
I had leftover chowder for breakfast again (weird, huh?) There is still a tiny bit left so I'll have a small bowl and a sandwich for lunch. I think I'll do a bean-loaf and broccoli for dinner. (Unless something else takes my fancy by then.)
Right now, "Fetch Monster" (Little Girl) is trying to get me to play with her and I need to get back to work. I'd better get to the working part--the fetch part doesn't pay too well.
Ciao for now.
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