Hi, all.
I've got just a couple of minutes to post here. Tuesday's biscuits left me wanting more so last night I made more. I also made "sausage" gravy out of Gimme Lean Sausage, olive oil, flour, and soy milk. So we had biscuits and gravy--the ultimate in comfort food. Yum, Yum.
I had meetings all day at work--three in a row. I think we got a bit accomplished. Now I need to type up notes and get them to the office manager so we can review them together.
I was reading another blog where a commenter posted about maybe being vegan came about as a result of an eating disorder. I feel that totally applied to me. My (self-diagnosed) eating disorder, though, is overeating--sometimes uncontrollably. It was through attempting to control a lifetime of binge eating and eating crap that I came to eating vegan--a friend recommended Skinny Bitch, and then I did some more research, and I changed.
So basically what I'm saying is: Who cares how one comes to being a vegan. The point is that it is a good, healthy, sustainable lifestyle. It's good for health. It's good for our planet. And it's good for all of the other living creatures on the planet. The fact that some of us may have come to it in ways that others don't think should have led us there does not negate the fact that now we are here. And now we are (or are on our way to being) healthy and compassionate members of this planet.
Like I said, I only had a few minutes. Now they're up.
Ciao for now.
disclaimer--the views represented on this blog do not necessarily represent the views of the world at large. But they are my views.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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