So last night for dinner we had left-overs. There was rice, curry veggies, biscuits, and gravy. And then for a snack I had a wedge of purple cabbage (weird, I know, but I really like it) and a nectarine.
Today, I had my cup of coffee with soy milk and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then went to a Mexican place for lunch where I had a bean burrito, rice, and a salad.
I went out to lunch today because hubby is home and he took me. He's home because he has to work the night shift tonight (not really night shift, just 6 pm until 2 am--unless they get done quicker). The kids have half a day of school today (end of the semester) so he's off picking them up right now and then he'll be taking a nap.
Fortunately, I'm pretty much done with work for today. It would be awfully hard to keep them quiet so he could sleep and still work. It seems like, even though they are big enough to take care of themselves, if mom or dad are around, they need to keep us involved. I mean, it's really a good thing--just frustrating when I'm trying to concentrate.
Wednesday, I took a video out to the hospital to a gal I used to work with there. We did it right after son's ortho appointment so it was just him and me. She works on the 5th floor. I asked son if he was up to taking the stairs; he was. So we did stairs up to the 5th floor, down to the basement, and back up to the first floor. I wasn't nearly as winded as I thought I would be. I forget that I'm in a lot better shape than I used to be.
I'm really concerned about daughter. I doubt she'd have been able to do the stairs. I talked to hubby today at lunch about how we needed to be good examples to her. He just doesn't understand that his eating, his inactivity, and his attitude toward his health is rubbing off on her. His response was to tell me that he's not drinking as much milk as he used to (he used to go through almost a gallon a day by himself) and that he only had 3 spoons of sugar in his coffee today instead of 8. (Oh my gosh! I had no idea he usually put 8 spoons of sugar in. And he was completely serious--he wasn't pulling my leg!)
I'm afraid that it's going to take a heart attack or something before he gets the idea that his health is his responsibility. His daughter's health is our responsibility, but I can't do it alone.
Son put his pants on today and I noticed a hole in the butt--not really a hole, but it was threadbare under the pocket. He has another pair that I've already patched there. And all of his pants are getting to be high waters. Daughter needs new pants, too. I think we need to go shopping this weekend. Can't send my kids to school naked, now can I?
Since I'll have the kids at lessons (son-violin, daughter-trumpet) when hubby has to go to work tonight, I'll have to figure out something for dinner for the three of us. I was thinking maybe a tofu scramble and zucchini. Son would like it, but daughter wouldn't.
Well, I think I'm going to quit typing now and look through some blogs. I haven't been able to keep up very good lately--I've been too busy with work.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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