I mentioned yesterday that it had been snowing all day. Well, I wasn't the only one having to move snow (I moved snow so I could take kids to school and again before I could pick them up). My dad went out to move the snow at his place and fell on some ice. He landed on his backside and put his left hand down so hit it hard too. He fell the same way about a week ago. His wrist is probably broken, but he won't go get it checked out. (A retired doctor is the worst patient.)
So anyway, he fell yesterday morning, so I told Mom that after we dropped the kids off at piano lessons, hubby and I would come clean up their snow.
The kids were wanting to go to the Y to play after piano so we had dinner at 4:15. Were at piano at 5:00. Cleaned snow from my folk's place from 5:15 - 6. Got home from piano at 6:30, and were at the Y at 7:00. The kids played in the kid's room--I love that they exercise in the guise of playing games. Hubby and I did the circuit room, the I did the abs machine and the stationary bike while he did the treadmill. So the whole family got about 50 minutes worth of exercise in. Yeah, us!
I was making my bean loaf last night and opened a can of navy beans and there was a big piece of meat on top of the beans--yuck. The last time we were buying beans, hubby asked if we could do navy beans (I like garbanzos, kidneys, and black). I told him sure so he threw a couple of cans in the cart. He picked them out and I didn't look at the label--it said "flavored with slab bacon"--GROSS. So I put the beans in a container and told them they were his lunch today; he didn't take them with him so I guess he'll have to eat them tomorrow.
So anyway, I used my new Christmas present for the first time last night--my food processor. I didn't like the way it chopped the veggies, but that's probably because I'm old fashioned. It would probably be good if I had 25 zucchinis to do or something. I did like the way it mixed everything together for the bean loaf, though. And the next time I get around to making date balls, I'll really put it through it's paces.
We are out of basically everything (including money--that's why we're out of everything else) so I need to figure out what I can do for dinner with one eggplant and some mushrooms. I was thinking about either an eggplant "stoganoff" or fried eggplant with mushroom gravy. Probably either way, it will be with rice or over bread because I don't have any pasta.
I'll probably do the fried eggplant with mushroom gravy and do it over bread. Hubby likes the "hot -insert your meat here- sandwiches" that are served at diners, so he would probably like that.
Well, I had better go and get back to work. It's 36 degrees out today and there has been a little rain. A lot of the snow that fell yesterday has melted leaving a slushy mess again. Such is life.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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