Last night was son's physical for scouts and school athletics. Ever since I was a kid, a bunch of health care professionals have gotten together in the spring to run mass doctor's appointments. The kids check in and then go through a series of stations (height/weight, pulse/blood pressure, vision, physician exam, and physical therapist exam). They do it assembly line-ish so the kids go through one station and get their results recorded and then get in line for the next station.
Mind you, these physicals are only for the basically healthy youth. They are low-cost ($15 dollars and nothing is submitted to insurance--in fact, the only records are the school/scout physical forms that the clinic takes a copy of). But, all that being said, it seemed to be rather thorough. I think the doctor took more time with son that his regular doc took at his last regular visit. And the physical therapist took a good piece of time with us, too. (You never get your joints and backs checked like that at a regular visit.)
So the physical therapist noticed something with Wyatt's back so he closed the door, had son take off his shirt and re-examined him. It turns out that son has a slight scoliosis--side-to-side curvature of the spine. Apparently, it's not uncommon in boys that are just getting ready to hit growth spurts. So he showed me the curve (it was obvious once I knew what to look for), and how I could recognize the symptoms that went along with it and what to watch for to see if it was progressing.
If he grows out of it after a growth spurt--no problem. If it stays the same--no problem (apparently, it's mild enough that it wouldn't need treated even if it remained at that level forever). If it progresses, they would want to do something (back brace or surgery maybe). And if it starts progressing, they would want to know as soon as possible because it's much easier to treat when mild than when it is more progressed.
So, I'll be watching son's back like a hawk. (The funny thing is that he had a regular well-child visit just a few months back and the doc didn't notice his back--I'm not sure the doc even looked at his back.)
Other kid now, I went online and checked daughter's grades. I usually don't do that, but I was checking on something for son and figured I might as well look. The work she has brought home has all been very good and I haven't heard anything from her teacher, so I had no reason to even suspect there were any problems. She has an F in Reading and a low C in Language! Both grades are due to missing assignments. All of the rest of her assignments are in and have excellent scores--she averages a high A in both areas based upon the grades that are there.
Now if a third grader had all As in the work turned in, but had an F for the subject, wouldn't you question it? Well I did. I e-mailed her teacher and if I don't hear back today, I'm calling in. I know a third grader is getting to where she can be more responsible, but still--she's only in third grade. And as a parent, I am a little upset that I wasn't notified. I'm hoping that it's an error--maybe the teacher isn't keeping up at putting the grades in the system so it shows zeros for the assignments not entered or something like that.
I feel bad because I freaked out a bit and had daughter crying this morning before she went to school. I tried to calm her down by letting her know that we would get it figured out.
So that's where my mind is. I need to get it back to something else.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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