It has been a long time since I blogged--a lot going on! Unemployed hubby, issues at work, family stuff, etc. I get "too busy" to do this, but I forget the sense of catharsis that comes from letting it all out. Honestly, when am I really "too busy" to take a few minutes for myself? If I get that way, I need to re-prioritize my life. If I don't take care of myself, I can't take care of the people in my life.
So in a couple of ways, hubby's unemployment has been a good thing for us. Number one is that we are being forced to re-connect as a family. We were so busy running all the time that we really didn't spend any family time. Now, with our schedules cleared up a bit (and cable cancelled), we have more family time.
And, with no excuses, we are getting things done around here. We cleaned out the back yard (a little bit anyway) and took 2,300 pounds of scrap iron to the recycle yard--didn't get much money for it, but it was better than a kick in the pants. We got the part of the roof that leaks re-roofed. Yeah, it cost money for the roofing, but it needed to be done really badly. We have a really big garden spot this year and it's all ready to go. Hopefully, we'll be planting our cool weather crops this weekend.
Hubby's unemployment has been hard in other ways, though. We HAVE to have insurance. Unemployment take home is a little bit less than his after insurance take home was before. It is cheaper to get individual policies than to go through my employment so that's what we did. Even after cutting all the extras out of our budget (music lessons, karate, cable, cell phone extras, housekeeping, etc.) we are going to be around $200 down each month after paying for insurance. We'll still do OK--that was our "play money" for dinners out and occasional weekend trips. If, however, he doesn't get a job before unemployment runs out, then we'll be hurting.
Had Easter over at my mom's. We did a BBQ. I took my own burger (an "Amy's" 1/4 pound vegan patty) and no one even commented. I also took a veggie plate with a nut cheese dip and blondies. My brother and his family didn't even taste the dip or the blondies. Mom and Dad both commented that the blondies were good, but only just tasted the dip. Mom got out the ranch dressing and everyone dipped in that instead. It hurts my feelings, but oh well. I commented to hubby that my family runs and hides when I cook. Although it's funny, my folks love my vegan chocolate cake and my homemade bread.
Oh well, enough family complaining. The kids are doing good. Son is raising money for scout camp. His troop is doing a spaghetti feed. Son has sold enough tickets to pay his way. They are trying to get each kid to sell enough tickets for camp plus some extra for food, etc. (anybody want to buy a ticket?)
Daughter is home sick today. She has been in the bathroom puking at least 6 times already. Poor baby. There's nothing worse than throwing up in my book.
Work has been crazy. Today is finally kind of slow and I don't mind at all.
That's all I know of for sure.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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