So yesterday afternoon, I was perusing some blogs and came across one about a pumpkin pie tasting soup. That got me thinking.........
This morning I was totally out of greens (except for some iceberg lettuce and broccoli which I don't like in smoothies) but I wanted a smoothie. So I used one banana, one small peeled sweet potato, some pumpkin pie spices, and some water. I blended it and, viola, a pumpkin pie smoothie! I blended it a bit longer until it just started to get warm (I love the Vita Mix for being able to warm things up) and then poured it into a big mug and had pumpkin pie soup for breakfast.
It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. I am definitely going to have to do this more often! I wish I had taken a picture, too. It was such a lovely orange color. Next time, I will.
Well, that really was quick, this time. Of to get some work done.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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