OK, so I found out that my raw broccoli soup isn't very good the second day. (As usual) I put too much garlic in it and after soaking all night long, the garlic was too strong. I thinned the soup with water and then it was too watery but still was too garlic-y. So instead I dumped it and made a banana and spinach smoothie--that was better anyway. I had lunch early again (11:00-ish) because breakfast was watermelon and I was hungry again. (Oh but the watermelon was so good.)
I really need to remember to go light on garlic. I like garlic, but it seems to get too strong for me too easily lately.
So we went to the banquet last night; a friend and I brought vegan take-out. No one said anything so I guess we didn't attract too much attention.
Daughter won a Harry Potter Scene It game. I won a gardening basket that came with a gift certificate for an overnight stay at a local hotel (mini-vacation!). Hubby won a group of stuff that included a gift certificate for a tattoo (for me), a shake powered flashlight (for son), and a book, t-shirt, and hat. Son didn't specifically win anything, but we share. It was a long night, though--we were there from 4 til 10. Hubby was there from 8am til almost midnight.
It seemed like they made pretty good money last night. In the past they have used the money they raised to plant bitter brush in winter feeding grounds and to work with the BLM and Fish & Game on land management and wildlife management issues. Hopefully, there will still be wild Mule Deer around here for our kids' kids.
Well, that's all I have.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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