Saturday, April 25, 2009

LLamas and Watermelon

Just a quick post here; not much to say......... (yeah, I've said that before and gone on and on and on and..............)
We took son and dropped him off to go on a Boy Scout camp out last night then got dinner (salad and pasta w/ tomato sauce) and then went to walk around Costco. At Costco we got a huge watermelon.
After that we started home and saw a llama in the road--yes a "Llama". On the last Friday of the month is a horse sale at the Livestock Commission Company and our guess is that this fella was an escapee. We watched as the cops got him caught (hubby helped a little-he was a cowboy in his former life). Then we decided to go to the horse sale to watch for a while. Daughter was crying at one point because we absolutely refused to buy her a horse.
Then home and daughter made "no bake cookies" (she even veganized the recipe for me:

She used vegan margarine instead of butter and soy milk instead of cow milk. They came out pretty good (she got the recipe at school--note the doodlings of a 9 year-old girl)


This morning, hubby left early; Mule Deer Foundation banquet tonight and he's a big part of the committee and workforce. Mule Deer conservation is his baby although if you ever called him a conservationist, he'd probably argue to the high heavens. He eats meat and hunts and is all man; those conservationists are hippie, tree hugging, long haired granolas--that's his perception, anyway.


So anyway, right now it's daughter and I. We'll go pick up son after while and then go over to the fairgrounds for the banquet (I am bringing take-out from the good Thai place since the food there is not to my liking.)


I had watermelon for breakfast. It was so good but it didn't stay with me very long. I was hungry again so just a few minutes ago (around 10:30-ish) I made a raw broccoli soup in my Vita Mix (broccoli, miso, almonds, garlic and salt blended until just warm). It needed something so I added a bit of sugar (I don't know why, but that little bit of sugar made it better.) So I ate about half of that (I made way too much) and then had one of daughter's cookies. Pretty good.


That's all I know, so

Ciao for now.

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