Well, I made it through another weekend. Weekends just seem to wear me out! And we didn't even really do that much.
Friday after school, son had violin lessons then we went over to girl scouts where daughter's troop was having a dinner (chili and hot dogs--oh goody. I had an apple brought from home) and then walking over to the Christmas lights parade. We thought the troop had a float, but
nooooo, they were walking
the parade route giving out fliers about girl scout cookies. The leader's girl took off (after being told by her mom "you don't need to follow me") with my daughter in tow. So I walked after them--there was no way, I was letting her out of my sight in the dark in a crowd when the leader wasn't watching them. So anyway, I froze my
patootie off.
Then, I was hungry (and apparently so was hubby) so hubby suggested we get some dinner somewhere. Can't even remember where we went, so it must not have been too memorable.
Saturday, we did get to sleep in for a while. Then the kids did karate their demonstration at the Festival of Trees (Son did the Bo Kata and daughter did a self-defense demonstration of her against 3 attackers). After that was the Karate Christmas luncheon at the China Buffet. Daughter was promoted to Brown Belt (she was so excited that she caught up with her brother) and son got his Bo pin.
Then we did some errands, went home and had a quick snack and went to see the community college music department preform Handel's Messiah. I really like that, but I don't think hubby did.
Sunday, we took a drive out in the desert. Hubby was looking for a deer, but not too hard. We took the puppy with us. We took a few walks and looked at a cave, and then went to
Wal-Mart and came home.
Exciting weekend, huh?
Last night I got the hankering for ice cream so I made some. It was my own throw together but it was really good. I thought so anyway. Hubby complained about the texture of the nut based vanilla ice cream so this time I used soy milk as the base. He complained this time about the coconut texture--I just can't please him. I would guess he would be pleased it either had been made with a quart of heavy whipping cream--YUCK.
Anyway, here's the recipe--notice the exact
Put the following in the
around 3/4 cup of dates
a couple of handfuls of shredded coconut
approximately 2 tsp vanilla
enough soy milk to come up to the 3 cup mark on the blender container
blend it all until smooth. Taste and see if you like it. Add anything else if you want to. Pour into your ice-cream maker and crank until it's done.
Easy. By the way, my ice-cream maker is way cool. I got it at a yard sale and it is one that has an outer insulated plastic shell, an inner metal container with some type of liquid in between the inner and outer walls, a paddle beater, a lid, and a handle. You keep the
inner container in the freezer until you have the ice cream mix made. Then you put the inner container into the outer container, pour in the mix, set the beater in, put the lid and handle on, and then start turning the handle. It take about 15 minutes (you don't have to be turning constantly, just every couple of minutes) and you have a soft-serve type ice cream. If you want it harder, then you let it get to that stage, take the beater out, replace the lid and cover it with a towel for another 15 minutes.
This morning was the pits. Just before he left for work, hubby stepped in dog crap in the yard and made a trail through the house--front door; through the living room, dining room, and kitchen; back through the dining room and living room; into daughter's room; and back to the living room before I noticed it. I was so MAD! I had so many dog crap spots to clean up! And he was all like "it was an accident, I didn't know I had stepped in it." I have the kids trained to check their shoes but, for some odd reason, the adult male can't seem to remember to check his. He was all put out that I got mad at him when it was an "accident" but I know he would have been mad at the kids had they done it. (If he hadn't been almost late for work, I would have made him clean it up. As it was, I wasn't going to live with it all day so I cleaned.) I would have just liked a stupid, sincere "I'm sorry"
instead of excuses--"it was an accident", "I didn't know I had stepped in it"--and an attitude
because I was upset.
I grew up with the mantra--You are responsible for your actions whether you intend them or not. I have taught it to my kids. For some reason, hubby thinks it doesn't apply to him.
After I got the kids off to school, I took Little Girl in--she got spayed,
micro chipped, and a tooth pulled today. The vet said she came through everything fine. I'm supposed to call here in a while to check and see if she is ready to come home today or will need to stay the night. (I don't think I'd be ready to come home the same day as I had all that done.)
I also had a dentist appointment today. Look Ma, no cavities!
I don't have a clue as to what we're having for dinner tonight. I had a cabbage, apple, date, and almond smoothie for breakfast; leftover veggies (from a veggie pasta last night), a
piece of bread, and some homemade hummus for lunch; a tiny bit of left over ice cream from last night for a snack; and will have an apple for another snack while I'm waiting to pick up the kids from school.
Whew! That's a rambling post. Oh well.
Ciao for now.