Last night we took son shopping for his sister's Christmas gift while she was at Girl Scouts. He wanted to get her an easy bake oven. Well, that's like her number one item on her list and I'm pretty sure Santa has his elves making it for her (ahem, ahem). So I had to put on a show saying that he is not getting her an easy bake oven because it gets hot and I don't want her to burn herself. Hubby said I did a good job of it. And I made son promise not to tell his sister what I said--so it won't hurt her feelings and make her think I don't believe she could do it. He ended up getting her a metal detector made for kids. I can't help but wonder if he really thinks she'll like it or if he thinks he'd like it.
Sis picked out a bionicle for her brother. Hubby took her shopping while son and I were at his ortho appointment and doctor's appointment on Tuesday. With him you can't go wrong getting him Lego's.
I want a new food processor and a dehydrator for Christmas. The food processor I have is a really small attachment to a really old (not very good) stand mixer). I want a bigger one that I don't have to put together so much and will work better than what I have now. I have been looking at different stores and there is one on sale now at Target. I thought hubby and kids were going to get me that, but son told me that they had already gotten me something (I hope I started hinting long enough ago that it's something I want--I have to love whatever they get me but I am so tight that I really hate them spending money on me if it's not something I really want or need.) I'm not really looking for a dehydrator, for now I just use my oven on a really low temperature.
Hubby is torn between a spotlight they have at Wal-Mart and a tool kit they have at Costco. I keep telling him he needs to decide so I can take the kids shopping and steer them right.
And by the way, speaking of ovens (two paragraphs up), yesterday afternoon I made some Seitan (the round thing beside the curry is a slice of it.) I took a recipe I got off of the Post Punk Kitchen website and changed the seasonings to how I wanted it. It came out really good, but it's a baked recipe instead of a boiled or steamed one (I love that--it's easier for me to put it in the oven and leave it alone rather than having to keep a pot on the stove). Well anyway, I either made it too wet or didn't wrap it up tight enough or something because it expanded out the ends of it's foil wrap and then there was liquid from it that ended up all over the bottom of my oven. I had to clean my oven. (It wasn't a whole lot, just a bit, but I don't like my oven all gross.) Next time I'll bake it in a pan with sides, just in case.
Well, that's all for now. The dog is sleeping; the cat is sleeping; I wish I were sleeping, too.
Ciao for now.
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