We went over to the vet's office after I got the kids last night and picked Little Girl up. Poor baby felt so bad. I know it's a routine surgery that most female pets have, but I can't help but feel bad for her--I remember how much my appendectomy and cholecystectomy hurt.
So last night, she just wanted to be held. She yiped if she moved wrong or tried to get up or down off the chair. I even had to help her go outside to the bathroom because she couldn't get down the three steps to the yard.
At one point, she was shivering so I went and got the little yellow blanket and wrapped her up. This morning she was sleeping all sprawled out on her back (not very lady-like, but oh will)--see her scar?
Today, she can get up and down by herself, although she has yiped a couple of times. She also is wanting to play fetch, which she is not supposed to. Right now, she is chewing on her Kong (I filled it with peanut butter to keep her still and busy).
For dinner last night, the family wanted hamburger gravy. So while hubby made that, I made the potatoes (vegan), the steamed broccoli, and then some vegan gravy for myself. (I just melted a little vegan margarine, seasoned it, stirred in some whole-wheat flour, and then added soy milk and stirred on the stove until it got thick.) There was just enough vegan gravy for me. It was so good.
I had my annual physical today (it has actually been 2 years since my last). I was so pleased! The nurse went on and on about my weight loss, the doctor talked about it a lot and congratulated me on doing it the "old-fashioned" way. He told me that I am the healthiest he has ever seen me!
(I was a bit frustrated when the nurse asked me where I got my protein. She asked if I ate chicken even though I was vegan. Uh, no. You would think a nurse would have at least a bit of nutrition knowledge. I remember we had a course on it when I went to nursing school--apparently if you don't use it, you lose it.)
I did a stupid-40-year-old-woman trick last night. Since the dog couldn't get down the steps to go potty, I carried her down (hubby wouldn't do it because he wasn't dressed; hello, my stunning outfit was jammies at the time). So I carried her down the steps and started to put her down and started losing my balance. I tried to get her put down quickly without hurting her, while trying to re-gain my balance by pushing with my toes. I went over forward anyway. I got the dog down just in time to put my hand out to break my fall. I have a skinned knee, sore toes, and a bruised hand. Hubby had me in tears (laughing at myself) as he re-enacted my slow-motion fall.
I also made some crock-pot oatmeal last night before bed. You put steel cut oats, water, and soy milk in the crock-pot. Turn it on low just before bed and when you get up you salt it lightly, stir it a lot, and you have oatmeal! It was good. I will do that recipe again for sure. For a topping, I blended 1/2 cup of soy milk with 3 dates (my favorite sweetener) until smooth and then threw in a handful of almonds and blended just enough more to rough chop the nuts and then poured that on my oatmeal. YUM,YUM!
Well, that's all I have.
Ciao for now.
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