That's a picture of our Little Girl. While I work hard, she sleeps. I got up and went to the bathroom and on my way back I saw her so had to get out my phone and take this picture. Oh, the dog's life is a good one. (She looks a little skinny the way she is laying, but honest, she's not.)
Son is home sick today. He got up not feeling well and then had dry heaves so I kept him home. He puked a couple of times and then went back to bed--he's been asleep now for 3 hours. I guess he needs it.
Last night I made a wonderful Mango smoothie. Here's the recipe (it made 3 servings):
2 carrots
3 small hands full of almonds
3 cups (approx) of mango cubes (mine were frozen)
6 dates
enough water to make it all blend nice.
I blended it in the vita-mix and it was super yummy. So yummy, in fact, that I made a single serve size for my breakfast today.
I think I have a current new favorite lunch--zucchini pasta with tomato sauce. I made that again for lunch today.
I also tried another bread--it was the same as my whole wheat quick bread but I didn't have any wheat so I blended up some oatmeal, quinoa, and walnuts in my vita-mix and used that instead of the wheat flour. It was really good but really crumbly so I put it in a bowl with soy milk and used it as a cereal. So my lunch was that cereal and the zucchini with tomato sauce.
Work has been a bit slow today and I don't mind at all. I got my list together so tomorrow I can get started on some stuff to help with year-end (hopefully advance preparation will make it go smoothly).
When we were at Ikea in Salt Lake, I got a pack of containers (Rubbermaid-type). 17 containers for $4.99 or something. So a little while ago, I cleaned out my dry goods cupboard and put the stuff from the bulk section of the grocery store in containers and labeled them. It looks so nice not to have all of those plastic bags! I hated it when I'd get the gluten out and snag the bag and have a gluten trail from the cupboard to the counter.
Well son just got up. And I just got an e-mail from work so I guess I'm done. Ciao for now.
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