This is my third shot at this post. I tried two other times from my cell phone while son was sledding and both times I accidentally did something (I thought I just hit the backspace key, but apparently not) and everything I had typed just disappeared.

This is KiKi. She was a rescue dog--a friend found her and we brought her home in 2004. She is a little slow, but such a good dog.

The kids are out for Christmas break now--2 weeks of it. Daughter is at a friend's house for a birthday party/sleepover. We took son sledding. Hubby and I sat in the car and tried to stay warm while he slid down the hill over and over again. Right now, hubby and son are gone--son's violin lesson.
Yesterday was the annual third grade formal Christmas breakfast so last night, daughter was all gung-ho on manners. Now we're not heathens, but we are also a far cry from a Martha Stewart family. So daughter kept trying to correct everything we did at dinner. "That's not how you are supposed to hold your spoon." "Your napkin is supposed to be in your lap except when you are wiping your mouth with it." Etc. We finally got her calmed down. I explained that manners are to make a meal enjoyable, not miserable.
For dinner we had pumpkin soup. I got the recipe off MSN.com. It was really good. And easy! :-)
The puppy got her stitches out this morning! Ya-Hoo! So she no longer has her wiener wrap or her big collar. Her tummy is still sore from where the stitches were pulling, but the vet said that as active as she is, that was better than taking them out earlier and possibly having to take her back to surgery and re-sew her up. I guess I agree. I don't think I'd have wanted to do another 10-14 days of that.
Son had his violin concert. I was so disgusted with that. The teacher also teaches at the local charter school so she had her private lesson students play with school orchestra. The show was the "winter showcase" for the charter school and there were so many kids there. And of those kids, way too many of them were behaving obnoxiously--I hate that. And of all of the parents there, way too many of those were just as obnoxious as the kids. The teacher had the orchestra kids all lined up ready to go on stage and another teacher came in and started having kids change their shoes for another part of the show. The violin teacher tried to stop her telling her that they needed to be ready to go on in a minute and she had them lined up and they didn't have time to change shoes and the other teacher hollered out "my third graders need to change shoes. My third graders change shoes." I mean really! Why was her group supposed to be allowed to get out of the line up to change shoes? Just a guess, but judging by her attitude, I would bet that if someone had pulled this other teacher's kids out when they were lining up for anything, this other teacher would have thrown a fit. Anyway, watching some of the teachers and some of the parents, I can pretty well figure out why the kids were acting the way they were.
Oh, and also, I didn't even get to see the concert from the audience. I went to sit down and they were charging admission! The charter school is a public school! And none of the other public schools charge to see your own kid preform. So anyway, I watched from the wings backstage. Son didn't do very well--he was put in the back. He had never played with most of these kids and he was uptight. (Also, he is like his mom--doesn't do well in chaotic situations.)
OK, so enough complaining now. I haven't been writing much lately because of hubby being home. His getting in at 2 am from work and then getting up at 7 or 8 and then taking a nap at like 2 pm has kind of put a crimp in my style. I'll be glad when he is back on days. Make that I will be glad when he is back on weekdays. I don't like him working the weekend. It would be nice if we were both off on the same days.
When hubby and son get back, we are going to go get dinner (our usual Friday routine is to go out to dinner). Hubby wants Mexican food tonight. And then I was thinking that maybe the kids and I would go see a movie tomorrow while hubby is working (after sleeping in and after daughter gets home, of course).
Well, I guess I'll go now.
Ciao for now.
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