Last night's dinner was roasted squash (or "squishie" as we say in my household) and bean burritos. She squash was drizzled with olive oil and molasses and then baked until soft. The burritos had sauteed onions and peppers, homemade "re fried" beans, and spinach on whole wheat tortillas.
Funny story about the beans. A couple of years ago, I had a big container of dried pinto beans. Daughter got it out of the cupboard, opened it, and filled zip-lock bags with the dried beans. Then in sharpie, she wrote on the bags:
"Betty's Burrito Beans
(or you can try to make coffee)
She didn't know the difference between beans and coffee beans apparently. But anyway, ever since then, whenever I make re fried beans, they are called "Betty's Burrito Beans". Here's my recipe--they aren't really "re fried" at all.
Betty's Burrito Beans
1 1/2 cups dried pinto beans sorted and soaked
2 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
1-2 tsp salt
1/4 cup barbecue sauce
Boil the beans. Let them boil down until there is just enough water to cover them when they are almost done.
Chunk the vegetables and put in the vita-mix with just enough water so they will blend well. Blend them and then pour the mixture onto the beans and bring back to a boil.
When the beans with the veggies are done, put in the salt and pepper. There will still be water over the beans, this is OK. Blend with an immersion blender. Put in the barbecue sauce and stir.
If the beans are too runny, cook down. If they're to thick, add enough water to get them to the correct consistency.
And that's all there is to it. I get asked to bring my beans to family things as a bean dip or when we have tacos. Also, my family likes them really well so I know they will eat (picky little boogers, anyway).
Last night after dinner, when I went to feed Little Girl, I noticed that her belly was all swollen to one side of the incision. And then this morning, even though the swelling was down, when she sat up, there was one area that bulged. So I took her in to the vet as soon as they opened (had hubby take kids to school since he's off today) and found out (Whew!) that it was just inflammation and it should be fine if she takes it easy.
So I asked if I could just quit the medicine they had given me for her. I told them that she was like a hummingbird on speed with the meds--they laughed and told me that I should only give her the meds from now on if she really acted like she was in pain. (Hello, I don't think that dog feels any pain.) And right now, she is actually taking her usually morning nap (usual before her surgery that is).
Like I said above, hubby is home today and tomorrow and then will be working Saturday and Sunday. After he got home from taking the kids to school, he came over and stood over my desk and started talking. Apparently, since he is home, I am supposed to be ready to have him all over me. I told him that work time was not that time. He decided to go for a drive and see if he could find a deer (whatever, at least he's not here bugging me).
I'm hoping to have a busy day at work, but right now, I'm blogging while I'm waiting for a call to discuss the things I hope to be able to get done today. I'll have to wait to get started until a couple of things up at the office are done so I may or may not be busy (I'm hoping for the "may").
Ciao for Now.
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