And now that the book is done, I'm going into fiction withdrawal. I can feel the shakes starting even as we speak. (Just kidding) I started in on Eragon again so I'll have that and Eldest re-read before Bresinger comes out in paperback (all by Christopher Paolini). But what I really want to do is go to the bookstore and park myself in the Sci-Fi aisle and read the first chapter of whatever catches my eye until I find another book (or series of books) that I can't put down.
I've been having issues with my family eating my cooking. All I get is complaints. And my hubby tries to talk with the kids to get them to settle down and all he does is make it worse ("mom has a right to be however she wants to be" and "yeah, some of her food is not as good as we like, but mom can cook what she wants to cook"). HELLO--I"M RIGHT HERE AND I CAN HEAR YOU.
I ended up in the car crying while the family finished dinner Tuesday night. When hubby came out to talk to me, I don't think he appreciated it when I said that I didn't care anymore--he can have a f-ing heart attack and daughter can weigh 300 pounds and I'm just sick of caring anymore. I'm not actually there yet, but at times I feel like I am beating my head against the wall and he's working against me. If I decide I don't care about him anymore, I still have to care about daughter--I pointed out to him that, yeah, we can be however we want, but it is our RESPONSIBILITY to do our best to help our kids be healthy. That's what I'm trying to do.
For dinner last night, we had a bean loaf and steamed cabbage. Daughter asked if she had eaten enough to have candy (NO) but I told her to ask her dad. He, of course, asked me. I glared at him and told him that I was sick of worrying about it, he could do it.
Sorry to rant. Maybe that's another reason why I haven't been blogging so much lately--I hate to just complain.
OK, here's a grateful list to get me back on track:
1-I have a husband that I love and who loves me (even if he doesn't love himself enough to take care of himself)
2-I have two (for the most part) very good kids
3-I have a job that I enjoy that pays well
4-I have enough money for a roof over our heads, and food on our table, and to occasionally play.
5-I have a few friends that are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for
6-I have a healthy body and a bright creative mind (that one probably should have gone first)
7-I have pets that love me unconditionally and are willing to show me whenever I need a hug
I need to keep remembering those things when I get to feeling low.
Yesterday's food
coffee and banana oatmeal for breakfast
leftover curry over pasta for lunch
cabbage and bean-loaf for dinner
1-apple, 1-orange, 1-piece of bread w/ jelly, 1-almond yogurt pop for snacks (not at the same time--this was 3 snacks)
Today's food
coffee and banana oatmeal for breakfast
steamed cabbage and bean-loaf sandwich for lunch
Dinner will be cauliflower and leftover bean-loaf
Snacks will probably be fruit and an almond yogurt pop
Well, the pup is sleeping and I ought to get back to work. Isn't that a cute picture of her with her blanket?
Ciao for now.
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