Good morning!
I survived another weekend. Now just to survive another week..........
Son had a ball skiing yesterday. It's a good thing they ran into someone they knew up there, though. Son did the big lift for the first time--he got going too fast and fell and lost his skis. This guy from the kids' karate class was wonderful and helped him get up and going again and stayed with him until he had gotten it all figured out and was OK on his own. Here is a big THANK YOU to him.
Son is his own person. He loves going and doing things like that. It didn't matter to him that his dad was in the lodge. He is secure and comfortable enough in his own skin that he can do things by himself. I don't think I would have at his age.
Daughter and I just hung around here and then went to the Home & Garden show with a friend of mine.
yesterday's food:
-coffee and a scone for breakfast
-leftover Chinese rice & veggies for lunch
-Broccoli salad (cuz lunch didn't fill me up) for a snack
-a chocolate, 1/2 and orange, nibbles of stuff I was making for the dehydrator for other snacks
-broccoli, mashed potatoes, TVP crumbles for dinner (family had fried chicken and gravy)
-soy ice cream and girl scout cookies for snack.
All was vegan except for the girl scout cookies--they have milk products in them.
Speaking of that, I was looking at another website yesterday (can't remember what it was for sure, sorry) and there was an article on it that, to me, sounded like its author felt like anyone who ever ate non-vegan was not vegan at all. She made it sound like vegan was a moral and ethical issue--like murder. Like it's not OK to murder someone just because you "fell off the wagon" and it's not OK to have an occasional non-vegan item for that reason.
I totally agree that it is an ethical consideration, but sometimes it is so hard to avoid all animal products or to find substitutes at that specific time that I am not going to beat myself up for an occasional lapse. The way I eat and live is a choice that I made. It is vastly different than most of the people around me and, frankly, my decision has less to do with the treatment of the animals (although that is big) and more to do with just the fact of what it is--dead flesh, mother's milk for baby bovine, and blighted chicken ovum. (EW, I just made myself nauseous.)
And as far as the animal welfare is concerned, the milk products and eggs are what bother me the most--and they seem to be the hardest items to avoid. The milk cows are born, raised on a bottle in a little bitty pen, inseminated against their will (isn't that rape?), have their baby taken, get their milk taken, live in nasty pens, and get it done all over again and again and again until they can no longer make the milk they once did. Then they are killed. This is the same for egg-hens, minus the bottle and the rape. Plus, with chickens what is taken is just disgusting. The meat animals honestly have it a little better because they are fed and treated slightly nicer (they have to be so they will be fat) and their suffering ends earlier (no one wants stringy steak).
Sorry for that soap-box. If you don't like it; don't read it. It's just my opinion. I'll get on to other things.
I didn't watch my oatmeal this morning and it boiled over and made a huge mess in the microwave--I ended up with only about half of my breakfast left. Good thing I had one small scone left. (OK, that was boring. I'll just get back to work now.)
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
1 day ago
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