Hey all,
I have been busy so I haven't been posting much lately. We're leaving as soon as the kids get out of school for the Grand Canyon. Tonight we'll be in SLC and tomorrow in Flagstaff and then just whatever until we come home on Wednesday.
We've got all of our bags packed--except for a few things that I just got out of they dryer that the kids will need to toss in. We've made arrangements for the fur babies--I've got a friend who takes better care of them than we do. (Although my son's cat hates her for some odd reason.) We've got the motel reservations made for the first two nights. It will be nice to get away--as long as hubby doesn't think "vaca=endless hours in the car". He sometimes gets that way.
Anyway, now on to my fit du jour. I HATE girl scout cookies and I can't seem to stay away from them. I put them in the trailer and I was still going and getting them and munching. I have been exercising more, but was gaining weight from cookies. And it was like after eating cookies, I'd get all down on myself and then eat more than I should of other stuff--stuff I normally am fine with eating in moderation. I truly think in some cases (mine) obesity is due to an eating disorder. It's like once I start, I can't stop. Even when I feel sick.
So anyway, this morning, hubby was telling me how nice I look (he always says that) and I fell apart about how I'm gaining weight and I can't seem to stop myself and even with the cookies out of sight, I can't get them out of mind. He didn't seem to understand so I put it in a perspective he could appreciate--he used to be a smoker. I told him it was like right after he quit smoking if he had come home every night to me smoking and I wouldn't keep the cigarettes put away. And worse yet, as if our daughter was smoking and I wouldn't do anything about getting her to quit (and even encouraged her) even though he was trying his best to get her to quit, too. And then I pointed out that he can stay totally away from cigarettes, but I can't stay totally away from food. And if the crap food is in the house, it's that much harder for me.
I think he understood. He didn't get offended or cop an attitude (my tears probably showed him that this was not an attack on him, just an attack on myself) or anything. He just got an old grocery bag, went out to the trailer and got all of the remaining cookies, and put them in his truck. He said he'd take them to work so I wouldn't have to worry about them anymore.
Now sometimes he does stuff like this, but does it with an attitude that makes me just want to scream. But this morning, he was being totally sweet about it. I really appreciated it. Maybe my analogy worked better than any other way I've put it. So today I've eaten well and I'm not obsessing about cookies at all.
I intend to continue to eat well and take care of myself and my family! And I'll do it as if our lives depend upon it! Because, in all actuality, they do.
Well, I'm getting back to work so I can be at a good spot to be gone. If I don't get to the computer on my trip (the laptop is packed), then it may not be until next weekend before I post again--I'm guessing I'll be crazy busy when I get back to work on Thursday.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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