Well, another week has come and gone--almost. I'm feeling good about life right now. It has been so busy this week that I've hardly gotten a breath, but still life is good.
I exercised again today. I'm getting better! Last week I exercised Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And this week, I have exercised Wednesday, yesterday and today. Saturday and Sunday were on the road. Saturday, every time we stopped to go to the bathroom I did jumping jacks--daughter thought it was a hoot--and then at the motel, we were on the 4th floor and I did the stairs. Sunday, at the motel, I did the stairs 4 times (round trips) and swam for 40 minutes. Then this week, I've been doing the treadmill.
I'm also back to watching what I eat and making sure I stay vegan (who wants dead animal stuff rotting in your gut? not me!). And, I'm writing everything down.
So last night we had the curried vegetable soup that I got off MSN.com. It was really good. In fact, I had left-overs for lunch today.
Then, last night, after daughter got home from Girl Scouts, and all of the instruments had been practiced, and all the homework done, we had Chickpea Blondies (recipe from "have cake will travel") and Purely Decadent Dairy Free ice cream in Peanut Butter Zig-Zag flavor. Good stuff. The blondies were a bit doughy. I think I should have cooked them longer than I did. They were still really good, though; especially with ice cream.
For my birthday, I got my dehydrator and my peelers--I've had both of them for a while now.
This morning, I had the last piece of Blondie with my oatmeal for breakfast (yes it was the last piece--I had a piece at lunch yesterday right after I made them--to make sure they were edible, of course--then after school/work hubby and the kids each had one; and then we all had a big one for dessert last night; and there was only one piece left). I microwaved it and that cooked it enough that is was so much better than they were last night. I'll have to remember to cook them longer next time.
Tonight, son leaves for another scout camp-out. Then daughter has trumpet lessons. Then we'll probably just have a quiet night at home. Or maybe go walk around the mall or something. Hubby doesn't like to stay home--it seems like the only things he can think of to do at home is sit on the couch, watch TV, and sleep. Sometimes that drives me nuts--I'm much more of a homebody.
Then tomorrow, daughter is selling girl scout cookies at a booth from 11-2. Son is supposed to be home around noon-ish. We have tickets to a pancake supper from 3-8. And then we have scheduled a "family meeting"--son needs to have it for one of his scouting merit badges.
Sunday, we are going to go out to dinner for my birthday--probably to Prasai. And then my folks are coming over. I've got to make them some sort of birthday dessert, but I don't know what, yet.
And those are my weekend plans. Of course, the grocery store has to fit in there somewhere, too.
Well, I ought to get back to work.
Ciao for now.
They Might Be Gigantes
2 days ago
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