We also went to the mall--I got the above T-shirt.
Sunday, hubby was sick. Kids and I went down to breakfast, hubby slept. Kids and I swam in the hotel pool, hubby slept. Kids and I went in a store, hubby slept. I drove home, hubby slept. (Are you starting to see a pattern?)
It was a bad, achy flu bug. He was home from work for the last two days but didn't bug me because he slept the whole time.
Monday, as I said, hubby was home sleeping and I was working. Work went fairly good, right up till the end when it fell apart. Then the kids had piano and the grown-ups did grocery shopping (hubby came along cuz he said he thought if he did something he might feel better--wrong.)
Today, son had a dentist appointment in Boise--had to get some cavities filled so I dropped daughter off at my mom's and mom took her to school and son and I hauled it up to Boise, had the appointment, and hauled it back. We were back by 1 and I started work. Fortunately we (the gals in the office and I) were able to get the stuff from yesterday cleaned up.
Now hubby is gone to take the kids to Karate. He's finally felling better for real. And I am posting here and then going to watch Biggest Loser.
As far as eating goes, I have been really bad lately. There is something about Girl Scout Cookies--if they are in the house I have to eat them. So starting tomorrow, I am going to start writing down everything I eat again. I'm going to do it just like I did when I was actually trying to lose weight. (And now I do have some weight to lose to get back to where I was before Christmas.)
I have been better about exercising lately--4 out the last 7 days. I am going to start pushing myself on that, too. I DO NOT want to go back to being FAT!
So I am making a commitment for the whole world to read and to hold me to.
Well I had better get going.
Ciao for now.
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